An Electric Scooter Community on a Mission to Stamp out Transportation Mediocrity.

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By Localerhorst
Do you think its also possible to figure out how to activate the BMS with CAN bus manually? Replacing the quality BMS with a crappy one from Aliexpress just seems dumb (and is also not safe to do).
zavorka wrote:
Fri Jan 27, 2023 7:50 am
I haven’t been checking this thread for past few months, so please excuse me if this is old news here already.

I’ve extracted and analyzed firmware of the battery lock. Here’s the useful bits of what I was able to figure out:
- a command consists of: preamble (2 bytes, 0x46 [F], 0x4c [L]), function (2 bytes), data length (2 bytes, big endian), data, and CRC-16/XMODEM checksum
- function for operating the lock is 0x16 0x10
- it accepts 3 values: 0xf0 shuts the bolt closed, 0xf1 leaves the bolt spring-loaded, 0xf4 holds the bolt in unlocked position

Thus you can control the lock with these 3 messages (sent over 9600bps 8n1 uart on the yellow wire):
Code: Select all
46 4c 16 10 00 01 f0 13 6c
Code: Select all
46 4c 16 10 00 01 f1 03 4d
Code: Select all
46 4c 16 10 00 01 f4 53 e8
Also, I’ve learned how to activate the scooter itself via its CAN bus (using only STM32F103 and a CAN transceiver) and ride it freely like we were used to with ES200G. However, there remain some intricacies which I’m yet to crack, so I’m hesitant to do a write up on it until I understand what’s actually going on there.


EDIT 2/3/2023: I messed up and got the 2 bytes of function code swapped. The correct order is 0x16 0x10 (or 0x1016 in little endian)
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By Jevako030
Hello, very quiet here lately, this forum is no longer visible at the other forums, who knows why??
I have now made 3 holes for Hall sensors in a motor wheel without slots for Hall sensors, you have to take the time for it, but it also works perfectly, no more vibrations and runs like a charm.
By Supremea2o
Jevako030 wrote:
Sun May 14, 2023 7:41 pm
Hello, very quiet here lately, this forum is no longer visible at the other forums, who knows why??
I have now made 3 holes for Hall sensors in a motor wheel without slots for Hall sensors, you have to take the time for it, but it also works perfectly, no more vibrations and runs like a charm.
What tool did you use to make the holes for the hall sensor because I tired using an angle grinder but that wasn't the best choice.
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By Jevako030
Supremea2o wrote:
Sun May 14, 2023 11:02 pm
Jevako030 wrote:
Sun May 14, 2023 7:41 pm
Hello, very quiet here lately, this forum is no longer visible at the other forums, who knows why??
I have now made 3 holes for Hall sensors in a motor wheel without slots for Hall sensors, you have to take the time for it, but it also works perfectly, no more vibrations and runs like a charm.
What tool did you use to make the holes for the hall sensor because I tired using an angle grinder but that wasn't the best choice.

I used a Dremel, but I think a drill string would make it a lot easier, but I don't have one.
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By Jnsystems
* For the Lime Gen 4 - You may not need to modify the wheel for the hall sensors to get the scoot to work. The scoot uses KT controllers - All you need to get a KT controller, wire it up and get it to work like I did with mines. A 40mm barely fits in the footboard but upon wiring it correctly the scoot just works.

I might make a pdf or video guide on how to do all this but it's a hassle getting the battery out from underneath. But I already have one working with their built in seat with a display.
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By Jevako030
Jnsystems wrote:
Thu May 18, 2023 5:53 pm
* For the Lime Gen 4 - You may not need to modify the wheel for the hall sensors to get the scoot to work. The scoot uses KT controllers - All you need to get a KT controller, wire it up and get it to work like I did with mines. A 40mm barely fits in the footboard but upon wiring it correctly the scoot just works.

I might make a pdf or video guide on how to do all this but it's a hassle getting the battery out from underneath. But I already have one working with their built in seat with a display.
You can also just take a sine wave controller, does that KT controller work well and does it drive without stuttering? I just wanted to know if it was possible to build hall sensors yourself
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